Wednesday, 2 November 2011

WiP Wednesday: Tense Troubles ... & Insignia ARC!

I started the first draft of a new book the other day.
I tried to write it in first person past tense, but just couldn't do it. I kept inadvertently slipping back into present tense, which was so frustrating. Finally, I just gave in and changed the whole thing to present. 

I've been writing in first person present for so long, it's hard to switch!
I could probably switch if I really forced myself to, but this is NaNo. I don't have time to go back and edit all my tense blunders, so I'm heading back to my comfort zone.

How about you?
Which tense do you like best when you write? Are you all over place or do you tend to stick to one? Do you have a preference when you read?

And by the way, S.J. Kincaid is giving her first ARC away on >>her blog<<. You don't want to miss it. Here's a little cover love to get you salivating: 

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