Wednesday, 30 November 2011

WiP Wednesday: NaNo Update

First of all I want to thank my math teacher, Mr. Martin, for teaching me to type in tenth grade.

Because, you know, if I weren't such a freakishly fast typer, I probably wouldn't be able to announce:


Which sounds really cool and is really cool, but actually only means I managed to write 50,000 words in the month of November.

As of today, the last day in November, I've written 56,518 words and am probably three or four chapters away from the end of the book. (Can you tell I'm not a plotter?)

Which is great!

But it's possibly even greater that I met a personal goal, too. I wrote every single day this month.

Even if I couldn't  pull off the full 1,667-word goal, I sat down and wrote SOMETHING. And usually that SOMETHING turned into more than I expected.

My other personal goal is to actually finish the novel this month, which would mean finishing it TODAY. Whether I'll reach that goal remains to be seen, but I'm feeling good. Time to stretch these fingers and get back to work.

Here's where I'm going to go out on a limb and say I think this is one of the best first drafts I've ever written. Not to toot my own horn or try to make you think I'm incredibly awesome or anything. It should be this way, right? With persistence and hard work, people improve at what they love. Forward momentum and all that. But I guess we'll see if my critique partners are as tickled with this baby as I am. LOTS remains to be seen. And of course, there's still lots of editing in my future.

How has your month of November been? Even if you didn't attempt NaNo, are you proud of something you accomplished this month? 

*By the way, tomorrow is Vicki Rocho's Well I Never blogfest! 
Which means I'll be posting two days in a row. Crazy, I know!*

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