Monday, 31 October 2011

I'm NaNo-ing. Are You?

I've decided to participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writers Month) this year. NaNo is where a bunch of crazy people commit to writing 1,666 words a day for 30 days in the hopes of producing the first draft of a novel. Yes, I've decided to be one of those crazy people.

I'm prickly scared. And I must finish the current draft of my WiP in one day so I'll be ready to go on November 1st.

I'm a pretty fast writer, so the idea of 1,666-words-a-day thing doesn't scare me. It's the EVERY DAY thing. Especially since the Dashingly Handsome Sidekick is heading into playoffs with his football team next week. And, you know, the small distraction of lots of little children who are the joy of my life (I am very glad to be distracted with them). And everything that's associated with being responsible for said children--meals, laundry, dirty bathrooms, etc. Oh, and Thanksgiving and my son's birthday also being in November. *deep breath*

But I'm going to attempt it. Just because it will get this novel I have simmering in my head started at the very least. And I may have a first draft at the very most.

I have nothing to lose, right? Except maybe my sanity. But sometimes I think sanity is overrated. If I lived my whole life worrying about keeping it, I'd have a boring life.

So, here's to NaNo! Who else is with me?

I'm registered as A.L. Sonnichsen (I know, very creative) if you'd like to be my buddy.

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