Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Whovember Main Page and Schedule

Oh yeah! It's November which means it's the official kick off of Whovember! In case you haven't been around, I've been hard at work getting guest posters and making posts of my own so we can have an entire month of Doctor Who. That's right. All November on this blog, you are going to see Doctor Who posts as well as regular scheduled blogging stuff. So hop in that magical blue box and get ready to take the ride of your life!

Here's a description from a previous post about this event on the types of posts you can expect on each day:
  • Sundays- Dress Like...: These posts are going to look into the world of fashion in Doctor Who and tell you how you can get the look of a certain character.
  • Mondays- A Whovian Tale in Photos: My feature A Fairy Tale in Photos is moving to Mondays for November and is going to feature pictures of different Whovian cosplayers!
  • Tuesdays- Top 5 Favorites: I'm listing my top 5 favorite on different topics. Hopefully you'll join in!
  • Wednesdays- Freebie Topics: Wednesdays are a free topic day. You might see a post of Who merchandise or some other element from Doctor Who
  • Thursdays- Men of Doctor Who: Every Thursday I'm going to be highlighting one of the men in Doctor Who. We'll be talking history and my impressions on the characters
  • Fridays- Woman of Doctor Who: Fridays turn Femme when we look at the women companions!
  • Saturdays- Discussion Topics: I'll be posting a discussion topic and asking you all to chime in.
The Schedule
11/1- Introduction post (that's this one!), Companion's Guide: 9th Doctor
11/3- Discussion Topic- Your favorite Doctor
11/7- Newbie's Guide to Doctor Who, GIVEAWAY: Doctor Who season 1 DVD 
11/23- Companion's Guide: Amy Pond
11/28- YA Books Like Doctor Who, GIVEAWAY: 1 book from this list (INTERN'L)
11/29- Companion's Guide: 11th Doctor
11/30- Companion's Guide: River Song, Ending post

*Note: guest posts from other blogs still need to be added*

See some topics you like and think you might want to add in on? Get your posts ready beforehand. Just please leave a link in the comments for that posts day and make sure to link back to the event un your post so more people can join in the fun!

I can't wait for you all to start reading the posts I've been working so hard on all last month. Let's here it for the Whovians!

Also, make sure to snag a button and spread the word! My hubby made them and I'm in love:
 I'll leave you with some pumped up GIFs! Allons-y!
Get ready for a whole month of fun!

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