Monday, 15 October 2012

Interview & Giveaway! Heather Sutherlin ~ Author of A Light in the Darkness!

Welcome to Christian Bookshelf Reviews, Heather!! Will you tell us a little about yourself?

Hi, everyone! I’m a brand new author who has just jumped into the world of publishing this year. I have written four books and have nearly twenty more sketched out and waiting for me to give them a little attention. When I’m not writing, I’m usually curled up with my three kids reading a book or out exploring the world with them. We homeschool and love it because each day is a new adventure.

What is A Light in the Darkness about?

A Light in the Darkness is a fantasy novel about faith and how it changes your life, affecting your relationships and your purpose. The story follows a young woman, Merrilyn, who discovers she has the power to heal people. When she meets the deity who gave her this power, she is forever changed and sets out to share his goodness with others. This causes tension in her closest relationships and when she becomes the target of a dark enemy, she decides to follow her god even if it means leaving behind the ones she loves.

What is something the average reader wouldn't know about you? 

I have “movie dreams.”  My dreams are so vivid and intense it is like watching a movie. I rarely dream about my own life or people I know. Instead, I fall asleep and dream about romance and adventure, foreign countries and fantasy worlds. Each of my books came from one of these vivid dreams. I write to find out what happens next!

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

When I was ten I wrote my first short story and by the time I was twelve I had notebooks full of them. Somehow I became convinced that being a writer wasn’t a viable option, so I gave it up. But my brother became a writer and he kept pushing me to take it up since I was always telling him about my story ideas. He convinced me to finish my first full length novel during National Novel Writing Month in 2007 and that was it – I was hooked!

How many books have you written/published and do you have a favorite?

I have written four books so far, but have many more waiting in the wings. A Light In The Darkness was released in August and its sequel, To Light the Path, was just published at the beginning of October. Watch for the first book in my next series, Seen, to be published later this fall.

I would say my favorite book is often the one I’m currently working on at the time. I absolutely love the characters in my new book, To Light The Path. Although this book is high adventure, it’s really all about how the characters grow and change throughout the story.

What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

I prefer to write in silence. No music playlists for me! I hide in my bedroom or at my desk in our school room and write while everyone is asleep so that my brain doesn’t have to compete with the sounds of our busy household. I think it’s because I’m such a social creature. My brain can’t focus if it feels like I’m missing out on something fun going on around me.

Where do you like to write?

I normally write either at my desk or curled up in bed with a notebook in my lap. However, my favorite place to write is in the woods. I grew up daydreaming on the wooded hillsides of our family farm and my creative side goes nuts when I find myself surrounded by trees and nothing but the sounds of nature around me. Give me a notebook and a moss covered log to lean against and I’m a happy writer.

What is the best and/or worst part about being a writer? 

This is a tough question! I love so many things about being a writer. I love discovering a story as I’m writing it. I love the idea of inspiring others with my work. I LOVE that I can be a full-time writer and still stay home with my family.

I’m sure once I get a really hateful review I’ll say that’s the worst part about being a writer. So far that hasn’t happened. Right now the only thing I don’t love about being a writer is the final editing process. It is deeply painful for me. However, I’m motivated to survive it each time in the hopes that I’ll be able to share a stronger story with my readers.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I love to cook dinner for large groups of people. A dinner party is nice, but I prefer to host feasts for thirty to fifty people at a time. Weird, I know. Right now I get to indulge each week by making dinner for our youth group at church. I’m hoping to host a Thanksgiving dinner for the community this year, too. I always say, “Let me feed you, and we’ll be friends.”

Is there a place you’d like to visit, but haven’t yet?

Scotland! I am convinced I was created for the Highlands, which is actually where my ancestors are from and my husband’s as well. It would be marvelous to visit someday. My only fear is that I won’t want to come home!

Do you have a favorite song and/or movie?

I love the song, Blessed Be Your Name, because it is so profoundly true. I cry every single time we sing it because of that part in the bridge reminding us how “He gives and takes away.” Every Single Time! I think about what He has given and then my heart jumps into my throat as I am reminded of all that He has taken away and still I praise Him because I know without a doubt that He is good and His love endures forever. So, I choose to say, “Lord, blessed be your name.”

What is your favorite dessert?

Cheesecake! I love the stuff! It was the first real recipe I ever learned and I was so proud once I could make it for myself. After a visit to France, I decided crème brulee was a close second. I consider it French Cheesecake J

Do you have a favorite Bible verse? 

“… and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.”          Isaiah 58:10

Here are a few this-or-that questions:

Snowstorms or Thunderstorms? Thunder, lightning, and a good book, please!

Tea or Coffee? Coffee!

Print or eBook? Both J

Early-bird or Night-owl? Night-owl

Cats or Dogs? Dogs

Are you currently working on any new novels? If so, could you give us a hint?

I’ve got a long list. Next up will be a contemporary series about a group of individuals who are given special abilities from the Holy Spirit in order to warn the world about the anti-Christ. A serious departure both from what I normally write and what I prefer to read, but the Lord has put it on my heart and it won’t let go. After that I’m going to finish a fun story that will be something of a Christian steampunk romance.

Thanks so much for being here! Is there anything else you’d like to tell readers and where can we find you on the web?

Thank you for having me today. It has been such a joy to share my work with all of you.

You can find me chatting up a storm over at my Facebook page. (

And at my website,, I share more information about my books, other indie authors I love reading, and activities for young writers. Please stop by and say hello!

Enter to win an eBook copy of A Light in the Darkness! Winner can choose between Kindle, Nook, or Kobo format. Open Internationally!

Enter via the Rafflecopter below.

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