Monday, 1 October 2012

What's Up in the Bathtub?

Happy October!
  1. It just occurred to me today that I've been enjoying my critique partners' books more than the books I've been getting at the library. Is that weird? This must be a reason to celebrate!
  2. Emily King and I are keeping each other accountable for writing through the month of October. My goal is to write 50,000 words over the next thirty days, which divides into 1,666 words a day. (I'm giving myself one day off since there are 31 days in October.) And this is why I love the blogging community. I mean, Emily and I don't know each other that well (yet), but we're going to do this because we're at the same place in our manuscripts and have the same goal. I'm so excited!
  3. And some sad news ... I've parted ways with my agent. I'm not going into detail here on the blog, but I'll just say I'd like to find someone who loves middle grade verse. (If you know of any agents who have a soft spot for verse novels, let me know!) So now I'm gathering up confidence to start querying again. *deep breath*
What's going on in your part of the bathtub?  

Photo courtesy of Morguefile by jdurham

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