Friday, 17 December 2010

Verse Novel Challenge: Carver

I did it! I finished Caroline Starr Rose's Verse Novel Challenge!

The last verse novel I read (I actually hope this counts because technically this may be a verse biography) was Carver: A Life in Poems by Marilyn Nelson.

I loved it.

Marilyn Nelson captured George Washington Carver's character on so many levels. And again -- what I always admire so much in verse novels -- is how she was able to capture his character so fully, yet with so much simplicity and brevity.

Poets are amazing.

I loved learning about Carver as a scientist, an educator and mentor, a bridge-builder between the races, and a devoted Christian. He was eccentric, yet humble, and one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century.

What an amazing and full life he led. This book was inspiring.

And the Dashingly Handsome Sidekick even perked up when I said I was reading it. See, he's a science teacher and I guess George Washington Carver is one of his heroes. But after reading this book, I'm thinking, "Well, honey, of course he is. Once you hear about this guy you can't help but admire him."

Carver: A Life in Poems joins the ranks of the other verse novels I've read in 2010:
  1. Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse
  2. I Heart You, You Haunt Me by Lisa Schroeder
  3. Far From You by Lisa Schroeder
  4. Hugging the Rock by Susan Taylor Brown
If you've never picked up a verse novel, please do! Up next in my verse novel line up is Three Rivers Rising by Jame Richards. (Just because I've finished the challenge doesn't mean I have to stop reading verse novels.)

I've read one other verse novel, which was exquisite. (Since it's not published (YET) I couldn't include it on my list.) I beta-read Dora Tsang's Square Blue.

And congratulations to Caroline Starr Rose, whose debut novel May B. just found a new publishing home! Click here to read her news if you haven't already. Yay, Caroline!

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