Friday, 10 December 2010

FitG Update: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

I jumped straight out of Octavian Nothing into Diary of a Wimpy Kid, which was on my Fill in the Gaps Project (FitG) book list. Talk about a contrast!

But Wimpy Kid is awesome in its own right. Click here to read my full review on the FitG blog, if you're interested.

I have a few other FitG books on deck to read, thanks to my local public library. I love you, library!

Here they are:

Vampire Academy isn't my usual reading fare, but with FitG, I'm trying to read out of the box. For me, "the box" doesn't include a lot of popular series like this one (or vampire novels, for that matter). I'm already more than halfway through and I have to say, I am enjoying it so far. It's entertaining and I'm learning a lot about plotting and heightening tension.  

I don't know much about The Brother Torres, but I think I found it on an American Library Association list and most of those books are amazing. So, I'm excited.

I've heard great things about Jellicoe Road, so I'm super excited to read it.
Have you read any of these? What did you think?

What's on your reading list this week?

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