Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Cheesiest Christmas Song Contest Winners!

I loved reading through the entries for the Cheesiest Christmas Song EVER contest. (Thanks to everyone who entered and left comments. I wish I could send chocolate to everyone!)

In giving in to my inner Scrooge, I got what I deserved:


Thanks a lot. But I did ask for it, didn't I?

Some of them I had to look up and that, too, was a mistake. UGGGH.

But thanks for playing everyone. It was a lot of fun for me and I hope for you, too.

And the (randomly selected) winners are:



*wild applause*

And, because I feel so bad for her present circumstances, I'd also like to send chocolate to Krista V. because her house is on the verge of being flooded and they had to evacuate.

So, will all three of you send me your mailing addresses (or in Krista's case, an address where you can temporarily receive mail) and I'll send you some Chukar Cherries? (I know Bird knows how good these are because she grew up in Prosser, the town where I live.) My email address is a2sonnichsen (at) gmail (dot) com.

Also, winners -- and this is important -- tell me if you prefer milk chocolate or dark chocolate. I made the mistake once of sending someone dark chocolate who didn't like dark chocolate. I didn't realize there was such a thing as not liking a certain kind of chocolate because I am a chocolate-of-any-kind junkie. But, if you have a definite preference, please tell me so I can send you something you'll love (not just eat to be polite or, worse, regift).

I'll leave you with a drawing my four-year-old wonder child brought home from preschool last week. Kind of reminds me of the true meaning of Christmas (*guffaw*).

Because, of course Jesus really needs a TV this Christmas.

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