I was up kind of early this morning. (Thanks Sophie.)
So I decided to do something I've wanted to do for awhile. I put my entire WiP in Wordle.
I know it's pretty small. If you click on it, it should take you to the big version on the Wordle website.
I'm glad I did this because it shows me a few things about my book. By pulling out the most commonly used words, it shows what you've really been writing about, regardless of what you *think* you've been writing about.
My MC's sister's name, Courtney, is mentioned more often than her love interest's, Isaac. I didn't set out to write a romance novel, so this doesn't necessarily bother me. What it does show me is that I have to think about how I'm pitching this book, because it's probably a story just as much about a relationship between sisters as it is a love story.
Any thoughts on this? Does that strike you as being too crowded a plot line? (Be honest.) Do I need to tone down one or the other and focus on one, or do you think having two layers of equal prominence in a plot is okay?
I also noticed that the words "Like" and "Just" are huge (which is not a good sign).
Yes, my old friends "Like" and "Just."
Even "Really" is too big for comfort.
I'll be using the Find tool in Word to locate all my "Likes," "Justs" and "Reallys."
So, potential Beta Readers, don't freak out. I will take care of this problem before any of you are forced to read this crazy thing.
Any other thoughts on my Wordle?
Have you tried putting your entire manuscript in Wordle?
It's quick, it's fun, it's enlightening.
What are you waiting for?
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