Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Challenge Me

When I saw my aunt last week, we were talking about one of my Story A Week stories. I was telling her how increasingly difficult it's becoming to come up with new ideas.

She had a brilliant solution.

But to set the solution in motion, I need your help.

I want you to give me three interesting words.

Your words will be my inspiration for an upcoming, original short story.

As a thank you, I'll name a character in the story after you. It won't be YOU (obviously), because that would get tricky and sticky ... but wouldn't it be cool to read a story with your name in it? With your three words inspiring it?

Keep it clean. No swear words, please. Nothing too suggestive or risque. I'm writing for a general audience here!

So, leave your three words in the comments below. If your first name isn't part of your screen name (ie. if you go by "The Putrid Onion" online) , make sure to sign off the comment with your first name. (Otherwise I'll have to name a character The Putrid Onion, and that might distract from the story.)

I hope this will keep me busy for the next few weeks (maybe months), so don't be shy about leaving a comment. I will get to them ALL eventually.

Note to Facebook friends:  Leaving a comment on my actual blog (as opposed to Facebook) would be ideal because I'll be able to keep track better. It's pretty easy to click through to my blog. If you post anonymously, just remember to sign off with your name so I know who you are.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to reading your three words and feeling the inspiration!

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