Wednesday, 7 April 2010

WIP Wednesday: Revisions

How can it be Wednesday again already?

I'm desperate to keep editing my WiP while baby's napping, so this won't be long.

I didn't get much at all done this last week because it was spring break and everyone was home. Which was so wonderful, by the way! I miss the hubby and the two big kids now that they're back in school. But in some small ways it's nice to be back in the regular routine. More writing time, for instance.

What am I doing this week?

  • Trying something new with my revisions: I'm going through and critting using the Track Changes feature in Word, just like I would on someone else's manuscript. I'm hoping it will help me to distance myself from the project and see it through different eyes.

  • I left my WiP alone for a few weeks, so hopefully I'll be reading it like an agent or editor would read it. At least, that's Agent Mark McVeigh's advice. Click here to watch the revision tip video.

  • I'm going to polish up The Tiffin Box (the short story I wrote a couple weeks ago) and send it to my mom. She's been to Cheung Chau, where the story is set, countless times, so she's my expert critiquer, not to mention #1 cheerleader.

I've officially shelved V-Day, at least for the time being, though the idea still haunts me. Since it's been so widely queried, I'd like to have something new to offer at the SCBWI conference when I go in July. Besides that, my WiP is the first book where I honestly feel I've hit my stride. Not to say it won't need extensive revisions, but in some ways it feels like a story that only I can tell. I like that.

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