Thursday, 15 April 2010


I've discovered gardening for the first time in my life.

Today I pulled weeds and dug up root systems in an attempt to eradicate the crab grass problem. I have my own pair of girly work gloves that I picked up at Fred Meyer. They're so pretty. They keep the dirt out from under my nails and I look fashionable at the same time. (tee-hee)

I've never really gardened before. I had my window of potted plants in China, but that was about it.

Gardening is a lot like writing. It's hard to stop once you get started. There's always one more thing that you just have to do before you quit for the day.

The kids love it outside. They have their little shovels and rakes. My husband bought them their own miniature work gloves. They're happy indefinitely.

It's a win-win.

Plus, I can garden with my broken toe and still get a bit of exercise.

Today was so beautiful ... and I learned that magnolias smell good.

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