Thursday, 8 April 2010

Boring, Not Boring, & Sweet

Yesterday I felt boring.

Clarification: Not BORED. I didn't feel BORED. I had plenty to do. I just felt boring.

Have you ever had a day like that?

I tried to work on my WiP, but I think I was doing more harm than good (because I was boring).

I switched over to edit my dad's novel instead. Ripping another person's creative work apart was no problem, but attempting to do anything creative myself was an exercise in fruitlessness.

I officially knew I was boring when my husband and I got into bed and I talked to him for fifteen minutes about something boring. It bored me, but I kept talking. What I was saying made hardly any sense -- did I mention it was boring? -- but I persisted until I was so bored I was almost comatose.

My husband deserves an award for his patience. Seriously.

Are you bored yet? Is talking about being boring, boring?

But, in totally UN-boring news: I'm sure you all know this already, but Lisa and Laura Roecker are having an EPIC contest on their blog. I was not a follower up until now (I don't know why!), but today that will change. Maybe some of their amazing creativity will rub off on me. I mean, just look at their prizes! Sheer brilliance.

And now, a sweet Easter treat:

Note: I just posted a new family picture in the sidebar. The old one was taken Easter 2009. Hard to believe it was a whole year ago! Time for a new one.

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