Wednesday, 24 March 2010

WIP Wednesday: Done

How often do you get to say DONE to an Work-in-Progress? The answer is: NEVER. At least, that's my experience. I guess when eventually the WiP becomes The Published Book, you have to leave it alone, but until then, DONE is a four-letter word.

I am DONE with my first draft of my WiP, though: 67,000 words, baby!

Now I will let it take a long nap while I rewrite V-Day. Come back to it with new eyes in a few months. Sleep well, WiP!

And when I say rewrite V-Day, I mean I'm literally rewriting V-Day. I'm not just sitting down to add a little more polish and sparkle. I mean I'm sitting down without my finished document and starting over.

Call me crazy.

Honestly, though, do you think I'm crazy? I'm really, truly asking.

This is my dilemma: I rewrote the first chapter and Thia was different. Her voice was different. So, there's really not much I can salvage from the first five drafts, besides a vague storyline.

So, I'm diving into it. Maybe it's a dive off a cliff. Thankfully, I do enjoy cliff jumping (see #3) ... as long as I land in deep water. And the deep water here is that I know these characters pretty well. I also know exactly where the plot is going. For these reasons, it feels like this "draft" is writing itself. At least, so far.

I'll keep you posted.

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