Wednesday, 17 March 2010

WIP Wednesday: Snail Mail 101

It's that time of the week again!

Where am I? What am I doing?

I'm slowly eeking out an ending to my WIP. It's not easy.

Besides that, I'm writing cover letters for magazine submissions. (I've never done that before.) And polishing up magazine submissions. And getting ready to mail stuff using the US Postal Service. (I've never done that before, either. I mean, submitting via snail mail. When I query I usually stick to people who take email queries.) This means learning how to include a SASE and how to operate a printer.

All these new challenges!

I hope all your WIPs out there are writing themselves faster than mine is. I think I need more sleep. (I actually had a deja-vu feeling while helping Anna in her gymnastics class today. I've heard you only have those moments when you're very, very tired. Your exhausted brain sees something a split second before it actually registers that you've seen it, so you get the feeling you've seen it before. Did you know that?)

Happy writing everyone ... and get some sleep!

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