Friday, 21 December 2012

2013 Reading Challenges!

It's that time of year again! :) Last year I signed up for a LOT of reading challenge (too many, in fact). So I want to keep the challenges for 2013 at a maximum of ten. I LOVE reading challenges, so it's difficult to limit it, but I will. :)

I saw people participating in a similar challenge this year and it looked really fun! I'm excited to start it myself next year and see how well I'm able to do. :)

I'm choosing the Luck o’ the Irish level: 6 books

I don't read a lot of Ireland books, but I have a few I'd like to read next year, so this challenge is perfect! :)

I'm going to choose Level 3: Complete 3 or more series.

I'd like to complete these series, but it is definitely subject to change throughout the year:

I've read books 1-4, but still need to read Whirlwind and Frenzy (books 5 & 6) to complete the series.
I need to read Green to complete the series.
I've read books 1 & 2 and need to read The Truth of the Matter and The Final Hour (books 3 & 4) to complete the series.

2013 Romantic Suspense Reading Challenge hosted by The Book Vixen

The goal is to read 13 romantic suspense novels in ‘13 - this should be very easy for me as romantic suspense is one of my favorite genres! :)

My goal is to read 20 sequels in 2013. I LOVE sequels and love the button for this challenge. :)

I'm choosing level 3: DVD - 25 eBooks. I might have chosen Memory Stick (50 eBooks), but since we're allowed to move up levels, I'll stay with DVD for now. :)

I'm going with level 5: Ancient History -25+ books. 

Book Obsessed
Visit the signup page here.

This is the second time I'm participating in this challenge. Even though there's a little over a week left in 2012, I know I won't complete it this round. I'm hoping 2013 will be different. :)

Visit the signup page here.

This one will definitely be a challenge! I only know of a few fairy tale retellings, so I'm choosing level two: Lady in Waiting: 4-6 books.

I'll keep track of my progress for all of these challenges here.

Those are the challenges I'm signing up for in 2013 (though I might sign up for one more... we'll see!). What about you?

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