Monday, 31 December 2012

2013 Blogging Goals

Well folks, it's time to put another year to rest and with it, all the bad things. Now we are starting a new year (and one that is not filled with doomsday prophecies) so we need to have one only filled with good things. i figure in the spirit of new beginnings, I'm going to set my blogging goals here!

-I'm going to try to read 25 of my own books. I have so many that I buy that never get read so I'm going to really focus on that.

-I'm going to set my goal at 60 books this year. That isn't completely crazy for me like 100 and is a number I can probably manage.

-I'm going to update and actively participate in the challenges I signed up for.

-Write a Happily Ever Ending for every book in a series I read to get that list even bigger.

-Go through my reviews and attach a HEE link to all the books I've already written a Happily Ever Ending for.

-Have more author interviews. I used to do these a lot but as my schedule got fuller, I found it more difficult.

-Keep up on Saturday Discussions. I love these posts because it gives the blog a variety. I just need to keep up with them.

-Not sweat when I don't blog. For a while I had to blog every single day or I felt like a bad blogger. I've learned to relax about that a little but I'm going to seriously try not to freak out if a day goes by and something new doesn't come up. I'm only one person.

-Visit and comment on more blogs. I've been getting better about this lately but I want to keep up the steam and try to comment on at least five blogs every day I post. It's so important to share the love.

-Keeping up with my emails and that means saying "no". I haven't quite figured out how to pass gracefully on an author's work yet but I need to learn. I think it's better to get an answer than to not receive one at all so I need to figure something out.

So there are my blogging goals. What do you hope to accomplish in 2013?

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