Saturday, 17 November 2012

Whovember: Dress Like... River Song

Dress Like... is a feature for Whovember (an entire month of Doctor Who posts, for more info go here) that tells you how to dress like your favorite Doctor Who characters. Maybe you've got a dress up party coming up soon or a convention or maybe you just like fashion or Doctor Who. If any of these things appeal to you then check out how you can get a certain character's look.

This week is back to the woman with a look at River Song. I'm going to choose three of her most popular looks and try to break them down for you so you can get the ultimate River Song costume. Sit back and start practicing your "hello sweetie"s!
River Song- Day of the Moon
River Song's "Day of the Moon" outift is one of my very favorites. I think it looks completely unique with a great blend of sci-fi and femine. So let's chat about how you can put together this look! The main piece of this outfit is of course the dress. It is a "Zeeda" dress and looks like this:
 The bad news is it's been so long that none of these are around anymore. I've checked ebay a lot for this dress over the past year and have never seen one available. So you're going to have to find one like it. For me, the most imporant part of the dress is the hankerchief bottom. Here's are a few I found that are sort of similar:
This one

This is the link
Omce you find a good dress, you've got to get yourself a pair of black tights. You can find those anywhere. A quick search on ebay brought up these which run about $5:
The link
From there you need a good pair of boots. I found these which would work well but you could really get any pair of knee high boots to work:
Here's the link
Up next is that lovely brown brown belt. It's big and holes in it though any kind of design would probably work. Again, I checked on Amazon and found this:
The link
As for her accessories, you're going to need a gun holster belt. I found a quicky one here for $27 though you might consider making your own:

Here's the link
And then you need to get a votex manipulator. Luckily, they are selling these already made for $27:
Here's the link
Finally, you're going to need some fabulous River Song hair. I've seen this wig reccommended a lot and it's only about $36! You'll need it in F26/613.

The link
River Song- The Impossible Astronaut
After all you need for the last outfit, this one should be a breeze and most of the things for it you might even have in your own closet! I'd suggest using the wig from above for this one. First you going to want a nice lighter washed jean jacket. I went on ebay and found this one for $26:
The link is here
 You'll just need to grab a good fitting pair of light jeans. Hopefully you have them in your closet! Next you'll need a white button down shirt. Again, here's on from ebay for $13:
Here's a link
You can also grab that gun holster set from above. Then all you'll need are a pair of killer brown cowboy boots. I went to ebay and found these for $26:
Here's the link

River Song- The Wedding of River Song
This one looks difficult but it is actually easy since it has already been made! All you have to go is go onto Hello Cosplay and grab the entire suit for $129:
Here's the link
Then you need to get yourself a great futuristic pair of shoes. The pair River Song is wearing are from All Saint but are very difficult to find. I found these which are similar on ebay:

These are $24
You could also get something like these for $6.25:
Here's the link

And finally all you need is an eye patch which you can make! Don't forget to snatch the wig from above too.

The thing about most of River Song's looks is they are all different and are varying levels of difficult to acquire. I think the hardest one to get accurate would probably be the "Day of the Moon" outfit because that dress is so specific. But which ever look you choose, you know you are going to be amazing as Professor River Song!

What do you guys think of this guide? Ever dressed like River Song yourself? Got any types of the trade?

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