Wednesday, 28 November 2012

A Companion's Guide: The 11th Doctor

Name: The (11th) Doctor, The Oncoming Storm, Sweetie
Portrayed by: Matt Smith
Number of episode as the Doctor: 33
Catchphrase(s): "Geronimo!", "Bow ties are cool!", "Come along, Pond."
Appearance: Tweed jacket, either red or blue matching bow tie and suspenders, skinny pants and sometimes funky head wear.

On the tail of losing my favorite Doctor, I thought I was really going to dislike this 11th incarnation. I'd seen pictures of him in his skinny pants and tweed jacket with matching bow tie and suspenders and I was just unimpressed. I mean, come on. He's following David Tennant and that is just not an easy task. So I was prepared to stick up my nose in the air and hate him.

In then he marched into Amelia Pond's house and wanted to be fed in his raggedy outfit. He wouldn't be happy with anything he thought he might like until fish fingers and custard. That scene was so cute and clever that I couldn't help but feel my heart soften a little towards this odd reincarnation of the Doctor.

What I feel the 11th Doctor does is bring a younger vibe to the show and this isn't a bad thing. The actor who plays him is young but there is something about Matt Smith that makes him feel like an old soul. I think this is best portrayed in his wardrobe. I mean, we've got a perfect blend of the older generations with his bow tie, suspenders, tweed jacket and button down shirt with older styled shoe. But the way the shirt and jacket is tailored so close to the body makes it new and the skinny pants and mused up longer hair are definitely bringing the 21st century into his look. He's very hipster--combining older vintage pieces with a few modern touches to make something all his own.

The other interesting thing this Doctor brings to the table is his relationship with his companion. I feel like the 10th Doctor was on track with this kind of relationship with Donna but the 11th Doctor and Amy Pond really hit the nail on the head. We've seen the Doctor as a father figure, a brotherly figure and even a potential love interest but we've never seen him as someone's equal, someone's best friend. This is the exact relationship he is able to muster with Amy. He trusts her and loves her in a way that is completely platonic. It is partially because of Amy's fiery temper and unwillingness to take his crap but instead of this causing them to bicker (with loads of wit and charm) like the 10th Doctor and Donna, it allows them to break this barrier that the Doctor has always put up and truly trust each other. When Amy believes she is pregnant, she tells the Doctor before even Rory because he is her best friend. Their bond remains unshakable for the entirety of the partnership and I'm not sure what they are going to do with Matt Smith and another companion. These two had is prefect from the wonderful imaginary friend angle to the person Amy still puts out a plate for at Christmas.

While this incarnation often relies on humor, he is revealed to have a much angrier side very early on. In "The Beast Below", when the Doctor finds out that Amy chose not to tell him about what was going on in the ship, he blows up at her, going into a rage so quick it'll make your head spin. He even threatens to send her home right away. We haven't seen that kind of anger from the Doctor to a companion since the 9th Doctor and Rose in "Father's Day". This vengeance always bubbles just underneath the surface but I'm happy to say that from then on it is only aimed at people who do him or his companions wrong. Most of the time, this incarnation marvels in new discoveries, loves to explore and gives some of the funniest lines I've heard from the Doctor yet. Matt Smith is brilliant at being absolutely childlike in his joy (which made him so good with the young Amelia Pond) and completely terrifyingly angry in the blink of an eye.

Another fascinating component about this Doctor is his ability to let himself fall in love with River Song. When she first shows up, he's kind of horrified with the way she flirts with him but as a few episodes roll on he begins flirting back and seems to generally like her. We get this funny little moment where River Song kisses the Doctor and he has no idea what to do with himself and we find at that it is their first kiss ever though River had no idea. By mid-Season 6, he is openly admiring her and very much intrigued by her tricky ways which is something the Doctor has never really showed us in the reboot.

Overall, this incarnation of the Doctor just feels like a lot of fun. It's the combination of youthful energy and that old soul that pops up every now and then that makes the show different in a good way. The 0th Doctor seemed like a very serious figure even though he was funny and the 11th seems much more funny. I really can't say it much better than to just say that the 11th Doctor feels like my best friend because he is Amy's best friend. He loads of fun when I need him to be and serious enough to save what he loves too.

What do you think about the 11th incarnation?

*Note: Sorry this one is a lot differently formatted than the last few. I'm sick right now and couldn't bring myself to do a full analysis.

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