Monday, 16 July 2012

Shelfmates# 9

Some covers just work together...and some, not so much. I've decided to start up a semi-regular feature called Shelfmates to showcase series covers. I love getting the sequel to a novel and putting it up next to the first book so I thought this might be a fun way to do that on my blog! So here are some series covers and my opinions on how they look as a couple (or series...)!

Stork by Wendy Delsol
I've always been a fan of these covers. I realize that there are a lot of covers with girl's faces in YA but for me, these are an example of faces done right. I feel like the offer more to look at than just the face in the colors and background which adds interest in a little bit of enhancement to them. Plus, I don't think any of these girl's are "typically" beautiful. They all are a little different which makes them interesting. Just as I love this series, I love their covers!

I've always thought that the first novel's cover was striking but not necessarily pretty. It stands out on a bookshelf, looks good in your hands but it never really made me drool. That isn't to say I don't like it, because I do, but I think especially if you are putting them side by side, the first cover doesn't live up to the second one. The intricate design on the girl's face and the sprawling text across her mouth is beautiful and interesting and really draws the eye. I like both of these covers but for me it's no contest when it comes to which one is better.

Anna by Kendare Blake
What I find so appealing about these covers is that if they had gone with a photograph instead of a drawing, it might have been too creepy and too gruesome. That they chose to illustrate them allows me not to have to bury the book flap underneath the covers as I read. I love the dynamic scene set up in the first cover because it instantly makes me wonder what is going on. I feel the same why about the second one but I almost wish Anna wasn't reaching out. Wouldn't it have been cooler if she was staring at the book with a stoic sort of look on her face? Regardless, I love them both and feel they really captured the book's feeling!

Medusa Girls by Tera Lynn Childs
It's funny, I was pretty much ready to tell you all how I loved the first cover and really didn't like these two together. But then I actually put them together and saw how they worked. I think the first one is a little more interesting than just a face but the second cover compliments the first one perfectly from the colors chosen to the word font on the title. So I guess this goes to show how useful a family get together can actually be!

Winterhaven by Kristi Cook
I think that the second cover is better than the first but I just don't find these covers very appealing. Admittedly, I haven't gotten a chance to read the novels yet and they may work completely for them but I just don't see the appeal because there isn't much to look at. I do really like the color combo of blue, green and purple in the second cover. 

Which set are your favorite that we discussed today? For me, it's a three way tie between Stork, Anna and Daughter of Smoke and Bone but if I had to chose, I think Anna comes out on top!

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