Friday, 1 June 2012

Weekend Report (#32) and Giveaway Winners!



Weekend Report is where I share what I accomplished (book-wise) the previous week! Feel free to join along and post your own Weekend Report on your blog/site. If you do, please leave the URL in a comment below.


I am so sorry for posting this so late! The internet has been acting up and I haven't been able to get online much (if at all)... I may not be able to get online that much in the coming days also, so if I seem missing, that is most likely why. :(

What I'm currently reading:


On page 17 of 212

I am really enjoying this so far! :)

On page 21 of 324

I've heard great things about this book! I'm not that far yet, but it's good! :)

On page 119 of 212

I like this, but there is one thing I really did not like. What is it, you might ask? Well, it was a letter written to the reader signed by "God". Call me strange, but I don't like it when books, movies, etc. sign something as written by God when it's not. It's like putting words in God's mouth.

What I've read this week:

Really enjoyed this! Will be posting my review tomorrow soon (with a giveaway!).

4 stars:

I really liked this book. It made me think about technology and its influence on me. Also, one thing that really stuck with me was instead of playing a game online, I should play games with my family/friends more. :)

A great book that definitely made me think!

*I got this book when it was free on Amazon Kindle. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.*

5 stars:

I loved Divergent! There were a few things I didn't like - God's name was used a lot in ways I don't like/find irreverent, H*ll was said a few times, and there was one very heated scene where I was like Should I keep reading or skip ahead? because I wasn't sure what was going to happen between the characters. Thankfully nothing happened in that way (although it was mentioned).

I don't read many mainstream novels, and I think last year I only read three (The Hunger Games trilogy). While I enjoyed The Hunger Games trilogy, I think I might have liked Divergent even more! :)

*I borrowed this book from the library - I was not required to write a review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.*


4.5 stars:

Like Divergent, Insurgent was very gripping. The same things I didn't like in Divergent were in Insurgent;  use of God's name in ways I find irreverent (i.e. Oh My ***, etc.), some curse words were used (h*ll. b*st*rd), and there were some heated scenes.

One thing that really annoyed me with this book, though, was that it seemed at times inconsistent - like when a certain character gave his gun to someone, then he has it back, then the person he gave it to has it... and that is just one of the things in this story I found inconsistent.

That said, I did love the story and therefore am giving it 4.5 stars! :)

*I borrowed this book from the library - I was not required to write a review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.*

What I think I'll read soon: 


Heresies is a THICK non-fiction book! So you might see it mentioned in my Weekend Report's a lot!

 I really enjoyed Sandra's other book, To Die For, and I look forward to reading this book!

Reviews posted this week:

Flirting with the Forbidden by Steven James

Current Giveaways!

Enter to win Sanctuary for a Lady by Naomi Rawlings! Open Internationally! Here is the link to enter.

Enter to win the first three books in Tracy's Seven Wonders series!! (Shadow of Colossus, City of the Dead, and Guardian of the Flame) This giveaway is only open to the US. Here is the link to enter.

Giveaway winners!

The winner of Split Sense is...

Elizabeth (Liz)!

The winner of their choice of one of the books listed in post is...


The winner of Stardust by Carla Stewart is...



Winners have been contacted. They have 48 hours to respond, otherwise another winner will be chosen.

So that's what I accomplished (book-wise) this week, what about you? Please share in a comment below. :)

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