Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Interview & Giveaway! Tom Pawlik ~ Author of Beckon!!

Welcome to Christian Bookshelf Reviews, Tom!! Will you tell us a little about yourself?

I'm a husband of one wife, father of six kids, and owner of a large van. I've dreamed of being an author since I was a kid. My first novel "Vanish" won the Operation 1st Novel Contest run by the Christian Writer's Guild, and went on to win a Christy Award. "Beckon" is my third novel and I'm currently working on my next proposal. I write what Christian Publishers commonly refer to as Speculative Fiction, which means they have a hard time placing into the typcial CBA genres. I love sci-fi, fantasy and pyschological thrillers. My slogan is "Jump in. Hang on." with the goal of making readers say, "Just one more chapter" at the end of each chapter.

What is Beckon about?

An ancient legend. An isolated cave system. Giant, prehistoric arthropods. A mysterious lost Indian tribe. A magic elixir. And a sinister town called Beckon.

Do you plan on writing a sequel to Beckon?

I do want to use the characters in the next story and explore some of the questions left unanswered in Beckon. But it should be its own stand alone story which can be read apart from Beckon. Readers may be surprised at what they find in it, however.

I will definitely want to read that book! :) What is something the average reader wouldn't know about you? 

They may not know that I was also a musician and songwriter. I've not had any songs published or recorded, but maybe some day. I do feel that songwriting has been a real benefit to my fiction writing. It focuses your mind on rhythm and beat of a sentence and the sounds of words when deciding how to describe a scene or a bit of dialogue.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I was in fourth grade and my teacher read us Charlotte's Web and The Hobbit and I immediately knew I wanted to write my own stories of talking animals and high adventure.

How many books have you written/published and do you have a favorite?

Beckon is my third novel and I've also just published an e-book novella, Recollection, as part of the 7 Hours anthology released last month. I can't have a favorite. It's like asking if I have a favorite child. They all have a special place in my heart.

What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

I'm a night owl so most of my writing is done after midnight. My best ideas seem to come upon me when I'm in the bathroom. I think with six kids, it's the only place I can get any peace and quiet.

Where do you like to write?

I have a few different spots in the house. I got kicked out of my office with the birth of our sixth child so now my desk is in the master bedroom. But I also have a large easy chair down in the family room.

What is the best and/or worst part about being a writer? 

The best part is doing interviews and getting emails from readers. I've gotten some from as far away as South Africa and Australia. It's incredible to think that these crazy stories have gotten that far around the world. The worst part is coming up with the next idea. Trying to be unique but not too weird. And having to promote myself. I prefer to just write but marketing is a big part of the business as well.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I'm a big movie buff. I'm also a homebody and just love spending time with my wife and kids.

Is there a place you’d like to visit, but haven’t yet?

A couple places actually: New Zealand/Australia, and Israel.

Do you have a favorite song and/or movie?

Favorite movie: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy; favorite song: Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas

What is your favorite dessert?

Brownie-bottom Cheesecake

Do you have a favorite Bible verse? 

1 Corinthians 13:12 - For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.

Here are a few this-or-that questions:

Snowstorms or Thunderstorms?

Thunderstorms definitely. The louder the better.

Tea or Coffee?

Chai Tea

Movie Theater or DVD?

Movie Theater, as long as it's not crowded.

Early-bird or Night-owl?


Cats or Dogs?

Dogs. The bigger the better.

Are you currently working on any new novels? If so, could you give us a hint?

Working in my next proposal which will be sort of an X-Files meets National Treasure story.

Thanks so much for being here! Is there anything else you’d like to tell readers and where can we find you on the web? 

Thanks for taking these journeys with me. And if you haven't yet read my books let me just say jump in and hang on!

You can learn more about me at www.tompawlik.com and also please stop by and 'like' my author page on facebook.

Book Giveaway!

Enter to win one of two signed copies of Beckon by Tom Pawlik! Open Internationally, but only one winner can live outside of the US.

Enter by filling out the Rafflecopter below (here is a tutorial, if you aren't familiar with Rafflecopter). There are two mandatory entries - one is to leave a comment on this blog post and the other is to say in what country you live (on the Rafllecopter form) - after you do those, the other entries will become available.

Happy entering and I hope the winners enjoy Beckon - it is a favorite of mine (you can read my review here).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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