Thursday, 31 May 2012

What's Up With Your WiP?

My snuggly kittens to make you smile
I haven't done a post like this in awhile, so I thought it might be fun to fill everyone in on where I am with my Works-in-Progress (WiPs).

And then I want to hear from all of you. What are you working on?

Seagull Rising: This is my contemporary YA currently on submission with editors. I'm not actively working on it. Trying not to think about it at all, actually. (Survival)

The Crazy Part: I finished the second draft on this one approximately a week ago. I was at the hair-pulling stage, so when a couple of my awesome critique partners asked if I had anything for them to read, I said YES in big letters. I'm hoping their feedback, plus a little distance from the project, will help me dive back into it with a new clarity in a few weeks.

Red Butterfly: Meanwhile, I'm working on this novel again. This one has been hard. Writing the first draft was torture. Writing the second draft was like nails on a chalkboard. And still, after all that suffering, the voice was wrong for YA. I wrote a new opening a while ago and then let it sit while I finished the CRAZY draft. When I read it again the other day it was like, "UGH! THIS BELONGS IN THE TRASH!" So I'm starting afresh. I am accepting that maybe this isn't a YA story at all. So I'm going MG. But since it's such a heavy subject (abandonment, betrayal, secrets and lies), I'm switching to verse.

I have about thirty-five poems so far.  I'm shooting for over 100.

I'll keep you posted....

Now it's your turn to share! On to the comments!

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