Thursday, 3 May 2012

Sweeter Than Chocolate

Lately I've been reading (for critique) several outstanding manuscripts. They have been goosebump good and they make me so excited for these writers.

That got me thinking about our little online community of writers and how much I value you all.

This morning I realized, even if it's never God's will for me to be published, I am so thankful I get to be involved in your lives and in your journeys.

And no, I'm not writing this so all of you will comment and assure me that I will certainly be published one day. This is not a call for the cheerleaders to come out in force.

This is to say that even IF I never get to realize the publication dream for myself, I know a bunch of you WILL and ... Wow, that is amazingly sweet.

And to think I got to be a little part of some of your processes! What an honor!

There will be books on the shelves someday I will show my children and say, "I critiqued this one," or, "This is my really good friend's book."

Just, WOW.

Is anyone else getting the good shivers? We're making literary history right now, people!

For me, that's sweeter than chocolate.

Photo credit: SavaMatkovitch from

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