Monday, 30 April 2012

Shelfmates #3

Some covers just work together...and some, not so much. I've decided to start up a semi-regular feature called Shelfmates to showcase series covers. I love getting the sequel to a novel and putting it up next to the first book so I thought this might be a fun way to do that on my blog! So here are some series covers and my opinions on how they look as a couple (or series...)!

Halo series by Alexandra Adornetto
I think this series did a lot of things right. Together, the covers look spectacular. Halo and Heaven are by far the better of the two though. Hades doesn't really seem like it goes along with them. I didn't think they could top Halo for me but I think my favorite in the set is actually Heaven. Still, these look great together!

Nightshade series by Andrea Cremer

New Covers
Well, these covers have that color theme going on that I'm always raving about. I like the animalistic pose of the girl in Wolfsbane and together these do look great as a series. But ultimately, they don't hold a candle over the original covers for this series. Out of these three, I think my favorite is Nightshade.

Old Covers
Sorry to anyone who likes the new covers better but these are just so good. They are gorgeous and intriguing and made me want to pick up the books. I love everything about these covers and I really wish they'd have kept them. Heck, I'd be happy to have both sets of covers. I can't help but wonder what they would have done for Bloodrose.

Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton
These covers fit the books so well. They have a lot of action and fighting in them and I feel like the covers represent this well. I'm mean, let's not lie, Ellie looks like she could kick some major ass in these covers and still look good while doing it. I think they go well together too with the echo of the mist at the bottom and the girl in strong poses. This is going to sound funny but I wish the clothing had been switched because the clothes on the model in Angelfire look a little more serious and I feel like Ellie will take her role more seriously as the series moves on.

Falling Under series by Gwen Hayes
I'm so in love with these covers. They capture the dreamy quality of the novel while still remaining a little dark. I think the first one, with the black roses in the background, really succeeds at that. I do like Dreaming Awake better over all as I think the girl's pose is prettier and I like the added touch of her holding a flower. Together though, this is one strong set of covers!

Revenants series by Amy Plum
Hello gorgeous covers! I was so jealous of the UK when they showed the Die for Me cover because it was just gorgeous. And then they changed that cover to the US covert too and I did a happy dance. I'm a sucker for long flowy dresses so this sates that in me but I also love that swirling stuff covering the title and dress. It reminds me of tribal tattoos. I'm really glad they carried it into the second book. I have to say that of the two, I'm more drawn to the first cover but I love these as a pair.

Starcrossed series by Josephine Angelini
I have to say, I've always loved the understated beauty of the first cover and I think that Dreamless is able to capture that as well.Again, these are color books which I like and I love how both poses are so much like the classic damsel waiting for her man to return home on the sea. The scope of it just feels so epic. I like these separately and as a pair.

Mara Dyer series by Michelle Hodkin
I've already talked a lot about these. I love the first cover and wasn't as wild about the second until I really looked at it. Now I think they are perfect as a pair and work well individually. I think that for me, it was going to be hard to come close to the first cover because it is just do darned pretty. 

So there are my covers this week. What do you think about them? I'm actually digging them all accept the re-releases of the Nightshade because I like the originals better. Which are your favorite pairing or least favorite?

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