Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Bits & Pieces

Well, I totally screwed up again. Posted something accidentally that wasn't supposed to post until Thursday. So, if you saw something about a Hacky Sack Club in your Google Reader, but you couldn't click through to it -- now you know why. This is #2 time I have done something like this. *facepalm*

If you wanted to know, I walked around all day with two different earrings in my ears. Yes, it's been that kind of day.

But, the good news is, the wonderful Heather Day Gilbert invited me to guest post on her blog, Book in a Month Mom. Thank you, Heather! The post is >>here<< if you're interested.

AND, there's still time to enter the giveaway for AND THEN YOU WERE GONE by Becky Avella. I know this book will touch your heart if you've ever experienced a pregnancy loss or if you've known someone who has. Click >>here<< to enter. It's super easy--just leave a comment.

Please, please, please don't let my idiocy stop you from coming back and joining the Hacky Sack Club when I really post on Thursday. It's going to be da bomb. Promise. Just ask Janet Johnson.

In the meantime, any embarrassing moments to share so I won't feel so alone?

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