2011 was a big year. And no big year is complete without some sort of highlights list attached, right?
So here's mine:
- Naomi Rose was born.
- Wrote a lot. >>Here<< is one example.
- Queried a lot. An example of the insanity >>here<<.
- Won a MSFV Secret Agent contest. (Huge confidence booster!)
- Celebrated twelve years of marital bliss with my dashingly handsome sidekick.
- Traveled to Hong Kong to visit my family. See pictures >>here<< and >>here<<.
- All that querying was worth it when I signed with my wonderful agent, Emmanuelle Morgen.
- Lots of editing. An example >>here<<.
- Participated in NaNo for the first time ever. And won!
- And that's not even going into all the wonderful books I read and all the wonderful people I met through this blogging community.
I'm looking forward to 2012 and all it holds.
My goals (not resolutions, mind you, GOALS!):
- Keep reading
- Keep writing
- Rewrite, rewrite, rewrite
- Edit, edit, edit
- Get into some sort of exercise routine, probably some sort of morning video work out that doesn't involve leaving the house ... at least, not until spring
- Snuggle my children as much as possible because they're all growing up too fast
- Remind my dashingly handsome sidekick every single day how wonderful and amazing he is
What about you? Did you have a good 2011? What are your goals for 2012?
Happy New Year, everyone. I wish you all the best in 2012!
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