Sunday, 1 January 2012

A Year in Review

This will be quick, I promise.

2011 was a big year. And no big year is complete without some sort of  highlights list attached, right?
So here's mine:
  1. Naomi Rose was born.
  2. Wrote a lot. >>Here<< is one example.
  3. Queried a lot. An example of the insanity >>here<<.
  4. Won a MSFV Secret Agent contest. (Huge confidence booster!)
  5. Celebrated twelve years of marital bliss with my dashingly handsome sidekick.
  6. Traveled to Hong Kong to visit my family. See pictures >>here<< and >>here<<.
  7. All that querying was worth it when I signed with my wonderful agent, Emmanuelle Morgen.
  8. Lots of editing. An example >>here<<.
  9. Participated in NaNo for the first time ever. And won!
  10. And that's not even going into all the wonderful books I read and all the wonderful people I met through this blogging community.
All in all, heck yeah, this was a fantastic year! I am more than thankful. Not only for the good times, but the tough times too, because if we didn't have tough times and challenges we would be characterless blobs without a story to tell. We writers know the value of hardship more than anyone.

I'm looking forward to 2012 and all it holds.

My goals (not resolutions, mind you, GOALS!):
  1. Keep reading
  2. Keep writing
  3. Rewrite, rewrite, rewrite
  4. Edit, edit, edit
  5. Get into some sort of exercise routine, probably some sort of morning video work out that doesn't involve leaving the house ... at least, not until spring
  6. Snuggle my children as much as possible because they're all growing up too fast
  7. Remind my dashingly handsome sidekick every single day how wonderful and amazing he is
And that's a wrap!

What about you? Did you have a good 2011? What are your goals for 2012? 

Happy New Year, everyone. I wish you all the best in 2012!

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