Friday, 30 December 2011

'Tis the Season ... to be Tired

I've been so tired and lazy-feeling since Christmas.

Can anyone else relate?

We had a lovely Christmas with the Dashingly Handsome Sidekick's family here in town.

Then on Boxing Day we drove over to the populated side of the state to visit my aunt and uncle and their boys. My California aunt and uncle were in the area, so we got together with them, too, as well as my cousin and his adorable family.

So the season was filled with love and laughter and eating and joy and eating and driving and eating and....

I'm exhausted!

I did get some writing done the first week of winter vacation. I actually finished my second draft of my China novel. Now it's resting. I am determined to dive back into it tomorrow, but I've been saying that for the past two days: "I'll dive back into it tomorrow." We'll see....

Last night I wrote a picture book draft. Today I edited it. I know it's not ready for anything, but I'm already feeling paralyzed. Picture books terrify me more than novels because I don't know what to DO with them. The task of looking into publication seems so much more daunting. Is it only me?

As I collect my thoughts and prepare for the New Year--and a more serious post where I stop rambling and use my brain-- I'd like to hear from you. How was your holiday? What was your favorite part about it?

Mine was spending time with these cute people (and the grown-up ones, too):

The stair steps: my kids with their second cousins.

My crazy bunch on Christmas morning

Santa's littlest helper

Don't forget to tell me about your holiday in the comments!

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