Tuesday, 27 September 2011

World's Quickest Interview: Tess Hilmo

It's Tess Hilmo's book birthday today, so of course I had to invite her over for a World's Quickest Interview (WQI)! Tess' debut, WITH A NAME LIKE LOVE, is on store shelves TODAY. She's running a contest over at her blog to give away a free copy, so don't forget to pop over >>there<< to enter.

I have to preface the WQI with the world's quickest story. I first *met* Tess (or, in this case, Tess' book) in a Miss Snark's First Victim Secret Agent contest. We were both entrants. I don't remember how either of us scored with the agent, but I do remember her first page. I loved it. So later, when I stumbled upon her blog and found out that same book had not only landed an agent, but was getting published, I was ecstatic! Congratulations again, Tess!

Now, on to the interview.... (Tess took me seriously. This is QUICK.)

Describe your book in one sentence.  
Southern murder mystery full of heart and soul

How long have you been writing? 
9 loooong years!

Who or what inspired WITH A NAME LIKE LOVE?  
Old southern spirituals like Amazing Grace
How long did it take you to write WITH A NAME LIKE LOVE? 
Five months

Besides writing, what do you like to do most?  
Making my kids laugh 

Larry, Mo or Curly? 
Curly :D

What's your favorite holiday and why? 
Thanksgiving = family

If you could meet any one person from any point in history, who would it be?  
Florence Nightingale 

What's your favorite food?  
Tikka masala or curry 

Any advice for aspiring writers? 

Thank you, Tess!

Make sure to tell Tess Happy Book Birthday in the comments. And stop by her blog >>here<< to enter her totally-easy-to-enter contest for a chance to win WITH A NAME LIKE LOVE.

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