Monday, 19 September 2011

World's Quickest Interview: Medeia Sharif

A big welcome to Medeia Sharif, author of BESTEST. RAMADAN. EVER. (Flux, 2011)!  You probably know how World's Quickest Interviews work. I ask really short (sometimes silly) questions and Medeia gives me really short answers. (Think: an interview on Twitter, but on a blog instead.)
Got it? Are you ready? Let's go!
Describe your book in one sentence.
Fifteen-year-old Almira Abdul is fasting for Ramadan for the first time ever, but the month does not move smoothly at all.

How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing novels for seventeen years. I started when I was a teenager.

Who or what inspired BESTEST. RAMADAN. EVER.?
I wanted to write about a character celebrating the holiday. An idea for a MG novel with a male MC led to a YA novel with a female MC.

How long did it take you to write BESTEST. RAMADAN. EVER.?
About 9 months.

Besides writing, what do you like to do most?
Read, of course. :)

What do you think of Justin Bieber? 
I don’t think about him. I'm not hating, but I don’t listen to that type of music.

Tell us three things you'd do on a perfect day.
Nap, read, and watch Netflix.

Dogs or cats?
Cats. I love the little munchkins.

All expenses paid vacation: where would you go? 
The Maldives. They look gorgeous in pictures, like a watery wonderland.

Any advice for aspiring writers?
If one manuscript doesn’t work out, work on another and another. Many published first books are not the writers’ first manuscripts.

Thank you, Medeia! (I love cats, too! And I don't think much about Justin Bieber, either. For the record.) Make sure to congratulate Medeia in the comments. BESTEST. RAMADAN. EVER. is her debut novel and it just released this summer, so while you're thinking about it, run out and pick up a copy. Click >>here<< to visit Medeia's awesome blog.

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