Tuesday, 2 November 2010

How Green (and Yellow and Orange and Red) is My Valley

 The view from my window gives me so much joy.

Yesterday evening.
This morning.
Happy November, everyone!

I love November.
The changing colors.
My son's birthday.
Thanksgiving (one of my favorite holidays).
High school football playoffs.

So much to look forward to!

Are any of you participating in NaNo? (For those of you non-novel-writers, it's a challenge to see who can write an entire novel in a month.)
I'm not participating because my WiP is too alluring and I don't have time for both.
But I wish all of you who are taking the plunge the best of writing-luck.

May your computers never break.
May the plot rise up to meet you.
May the cool days and crisp nights (unless you're on the other side of the equator) kindle the fires of your imaginations.

Now stop reading blogs and go write! I don't even require you to leave a comment. You have better things to do, right? *grin* 

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