Saturday, 4 September 2010

WiP Saturday: Time Out

I know, I know, it's not Wednesday, but I had to share....


I'm really, really done with the first draft of the rewrite of my WiP. I corrected all the little nagging problems that stopped me from laying this baby to rest, and wrote a new climax. Now I'm laying my WiP aside for a month, letting myself forget it while I gorge on at least two novels my friends sent me to beta-read.

I reached 65,000 words when my goal was 50,000. I started the rewrite almost exactly one month ago, after attending SCBWI LA. It's been a totally exhausting, totally fun month. Now it's time to kick back, relax, and enjoy some other people's work.

(And, of course, I'm really excited for the month to be over so I can go back and see if my book is actually what I think it is ... maybe good? Maybe? Please, please, please be good.)

I'm attending our local chapter's SCBWI conference in Spokane on Sept 18.  Yippee! I'll resurrect the first chapter at that point so I can get some feedback, but other than that, the whole thing's in time out, in a dark and lonely corner, all alone. Poor WiP!

On a side note, don't forget to enter my contest! I'm giving away signed copies of FAIREST by Gail Carson Levine and IMPULSE by Ellen Hopkins. Deadline is tomorrow night.

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, everyone! I'll see you on Monday to announce the contest winners.

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