Saturday, 25 September 2010

Why I'm Gone

I'm heading out for a few days. Some good friends of ours from China are in our state for a couple weeks, so we're driving over to visit them (and getting in a nice family visit with my aunt and uncle, too). Yippee!

That's why the blog will be silent.

But when I return, get ready for more Story-A-Weeks (because I'm still catching up), and I also need to accept and pass on some awards. I think Sharon gave me one about six months ago that I never accepted. I think about it every now and then and feel guilty. Terrible that guilt is so often my main motivator, but there you have it.

I'll leave you with a few snapshots of our recent life to enjoy in my absence. This weekend, for instance, is our town's annual Balloon Rally. Yesterday and today the early morning sky was filled with hot air balloons. I'm not a very good photographer, nor do I have a very good camera, but I tried my best. I know they look like little dots because I took these pictures from our deck. So you'll have to take my word for it: they were really very beautiful "live."

One balloon was decorated with stars and stripes, and my daughter Olivia started all the kids on a frenzy of "I pledge allegiance to the balloon of the United States of America...." Ai-ya-ya!


More balloons!

The planters by our front door. Aren't they doing well? They make me happy every time I come home. I'll miss them this winter.

The sunset, taken from our driveway.

Son and cat. Gabe and Midnight seem to take good pictures together. Maybe it's the male camaraderie.

Have a great weekend, everyone! Are you doing anything special?

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