Friday, 1 February 2013

On Writing...Or Where I've Been

I realize it's been a few days since I've actually posted something. I had a few things ready to go (and I hope you are all enjoying these Marcus Finch clues!) but I wanted to do a quick post about where I have been.

Basically, I've been editing my newest novel and entering the query letter into a contest. I've been too anxious about the contest to do much of anything else besides refresh the screen and see if I made it into the next round.

Why am I telling you all this?

Well, two reasons.

The first is that I wrote a book that I am in love with. It's the best thing I've ever written and I really hope to be able to share it all with you one day.

The second reason is that a snippet will be appearing on the blog on Feb. 4th. Part of the contest I entered requested us to post a kissing scene up to be judged by a group of writers and the fellow contest entrants. I thought this was a super fun way to celebrate Valentine's Day so you'll see a snippet of my novel appear on the blog Feb. 4th.

I'm so proud and happy to tell you that my query and first 250 words passed through to the second round and this kissy snippet is just for fun.

But for those of you who have noticed an absence the last week, now you know why it's been that way!

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