Friday, 25 January 2013

Saturday Discussions: Do you go for the sweet or heat?

I posed a question on Twitter yesterday and I thought it might be fun to get as many responses as possible. So let's get on with it. My question is when you are reading, what type of kissing scenes do you prefer?

Are you all about the sweet? The googly eyes, the slow moment before the kiss actually hits and you know it's about to happen, the sweet moment when that kiss changes both characters?

Or are you all about the heat? The frantic touching, the need to be closer, ever closer, the rolling around on the ground, can't-wait-to-rip-your-shirt off, tongue and exploration type of kiss that leaves you breathless.

When I asked on Twitter, I got 5 responses. Two people were all sweet, two were all heat and one loved them both.

For me, I think I like sweet kisses better. I like when the characters have a little bit of trouble finding their rhythm, when it is slow and oh so sweet. When the kiss is slow enough that the character can really understand what it is doing to them. I love when best friends fall for each other. I think those are the relationships that really make me smile and genuinely start with a really sweet kiss.

Don't get me wrong, I love it when they kiss again and it is a lot hotter too but I think first kisses are always better when they are sweet and the character learns something about the person they are kissing and about themselves.

What about you? Are you all about the sweet or heat? And can you think of any good examples for both? I could only think of a few.

For sweet:
  • Rachel and Logan in the lake in Defiance by C.J. Redwine
For heat:
  • Mara and Noah on the beach in The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
  • Adam and Juliette in the shower in Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
I'm looking forward to your thoughts and suggestions!

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