Thursday, 8 March 2012

Swoon Thursday (11): The Butterfly Clues by Kate Ellison

The ladies over at YA Bound created a sexy meme where you share what made you tingle in your current read. If you want to join in, here is what you do:From the book you’re currently reading, or one you just finished, tell us what made you SWOON. What got your heart pounding, your skin tingling, and your stomach fluttering. Shout it out on Twitter with the hashtag #YABound, post it here in the comments, or grab the adorable button above and share it on your blog!

I've finished this week's swoon and I have to say, I thought the relationship in The Butterfly Clues was really sweet. Hope you enjoy!

"...I was ready to board a bus, you know, 'go west, young man,' all that shit--but then, I remembered something I'd forgotten to tell you."
He pauses. "That I don't want to leave you," he says, simply, lifting his eyes to my face. "That I
can't leave you."
--Pg. 301 of an ARC of "The Butterfly Clues" by Kate Ellison

Like I said, these two were super cute. I hope you like my swoon and I want to hear yours!

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