Monday, 6 February 2012

Monday Miscellaneous

1) I'm excited to announce the winner of the AND THEN YOU WERE GONE (by Becky Avella) giveaway. I was so touched by so many of the comments. Thank you to everyone who shared their hearts and their experiences.You are all my heroes.


Congratulations! You're the winner of this book (thanks to!) . Email me at a2sonnichsen (at) gmail (dot) com and let me know if you'd like a print, Nook or Kindle copy.

Note: Nook and Kindle ecopies are on sale now for only 99cents!

2) A lot of you commented on Janet's and my Hacky Sack videos. But not many of you COMMITTED to embarrassing yourselves. It seems as though many of you are INTIMIDATED by our MAD SKILLZ. So, we'd like to open it up a little more, give you all a chance to be on our Wall of Shame (oops, I mean Fame).  

Now, you can do ANY random or not-so-random talent (or non-talent) to gain a coveted space on our Wall of Fame. Just make a video or take a picture of yourself doing it. Balloon animals, soccer ball stunts and basket weaving are a few examples of possible talents. 

If you're feeling uncomfortable because you don't usually post pictures/videos of the REAL you, feel free to wear a disguise (burkhas are totally acceptable) while performing your talent. Especially if you're in the Witness Protection Program, this is a good idea. 

Make sure to email me: a2sonnichsen (at) gmail (dot) com if you'd like to join the madness. Janet and I will be working hard on the Wall of Fame and we don't want to leave anyone out. This is meant to be fun and silly and is not meant to take up a bunch of your time. My video required only ONE TAKE. I know that's hard to believe, considering the superior quality, but there you have it.

3) Now that the business is out of the way, it's time for the PARTAY!

My dear friend and fab critique partner Christa Desir had big news to share at the end of last week. BIG NEWS!

Her YA novel TRAINWRECK sold to SimonPulse!

YOWZA! (And oh boy, I'm totally not surprised.)

You can read all the juice >>here<<, including all the gory details about how this book was "never supposed to be publishable." It really is a cool story and I know this is just the beginning of a long and fabulous career. Congratulations, my friend!

Speaking of Christa-the-Fabulous, we're joining forces this Thursday to host an amazing YA author on our blogs. You will not want to miss the fun. So, come back!

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