Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Truth Tuesday: Boogertoes

I was feeding my baby yesterday

And playing with her toes, because baby toes are meant to be played with 

When I discovered something.

Quite a sizeable booger glued to her big toe.

Which makes me wonder:
  1. Yes, I know she has recently discovered her feet. And I know she can get her foot up to her mouth. (Babies are flexible like that.) Perhaps she accidentally picked her nose with her toe?
  2. OR, she had the foot up by her face and happened to sneeze?
  3. OR, her two-year-old sister has been utilizing baby foot in place of tissue?
Do I look like the kind of baby who would pick my nose with my toes?
This might remain a mystery until the end of time. Any other explanations? Have you ever found boogers in unexpected places?

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