NaNoWriMo doesn't work for me because of timing. November is the middle of football season and since the dashingly handsome sidekick is a football coach, I morph into a single mom. (Thankfully only for a few months of the year.)
I write first drafts like a NaNoWriMo participant, however. The muse has chosen my NaNoWriMo month to be parts of April and May this time around. I had a story on my chest, and it's been sitting there grooming itself for months, leaving claw marks on my heart.
I decided to sit down the other night and start it, and WHOA ... I haven't been able to stop. I'm talking thousands of words a day and I'm not even trying.
I love this stage. It's so beautiful because you just puke your guts out on paper and you don't have to worry about whether it smells good or not. You get it all out. Then you go back later and clean up ... and the clean up is a lot more fun than mopping up real vomit, I promise.
Besides the NaNoWriMo-esque puke fest, I'm critiquing a friend's manuscript (hi, Kelly!) and slowly, fearfully approaching the querying stage with SEAGULL RISING. It's hard to believe SR won't be my WiP anymore. It really is like kissing your baby and sending her off to kindergarten. "CAN THIS REALLY BE HAPPENING? ... Maybe she's not ready ... maybe I should give her another year...."
But inside I know she's (almost) ready to fly. And she won't be able to learn if I keep her a prisoner on my computer. Right? Of course right.
So, where are you in the process? And if you're not in the process, would you like to comment on all my mixed metaphors? Which one was your favorite? (hee hee)
**Oh, and by the way, I got my purse back on Saturday! Everything was in it, too! I am SO THANKFUL! Thank you to those of you who asked about it.**
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