Friday, 28 January 2011

The Two-Wife Quandary

I recently won this Tommy Nelson kids' Bible through a contest on Becky's blog. Thanks Becky! My kids love this Bible. They keep asking to read it when it's time for bedtime stories.

The other day we were reading the story about Jacob working seven years for Rachel. You probably all know the story:
Rachel's father Laban tricked Jacob so that he ended up marrying Rachel's older sister Leah first. He also got to marry Rachel, but he had to work for another seven years. And probably the worst part for everyone involved: he had to be married to Leah when he couldn't care less for her, and was madly in love with her younger sister. POOR LEAH! 

My kids looked a little shocked when I read the part about Laban's trick, so I thought I should talk to them about it:
"Wow, Jacob had to be married to two wives."

They still looked confused. Anna piped up, "But how can he?"

I explained that back in those days, it was culturally acceptable for men to marry more than one woman.

"How would you like it if Daddy had more than one wife?" I asked. (Why I ask these questions, I don't know! Someone just clonk me over the head with a hammer right now.)

Gabe looked especially worried by that idea.
"Boy, Daddy would have to do a lot of kissing."

Yep. I guess that about sums it up.

Isn't it wonderful that my kids are learning such valuable lessons from our Bible-reading time together?

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