Tuesday, 5 October 2010


Today I took Olivia out for ice cream after her orthodontist appointment.

A Korean woman owns the ice cream parlor.

She gave me two oranges, picked off the tree in California two days ago, flown up yesterday.

She gave them to me for no reason. Just to be nice.

I brought them home and after dinner I cut up one. Only one.

It was hard not to eat the entire orange myself. (I let the Dashingly Handsome Sidekick eat two slices.)

I'll save the other orange for tomorrow.

Reminds me how much I love simple pleasures and tender mercies, tossed in my lap when I least expect them, even by strangers.

And I am so grateful for generous people, who share even when they don't have to.

I want to be -- need to be -- more like that.

(Maybe I need to start with saving more orange slices for my husband.)

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