Saturday, 10 July 2010

Saturday Update: Where Haven't I Been?

Boy, I miss a few days of blogging and I feel like I'm MIA. I guess I've been more in a regular blogging routine than I thought.

The thing is, I have so much blogging fodder right now, but not the time to sit down and post it.

So, we'll make due with a Saturday Update, journal style.

Monday, July 5

My sister was visiting from Hong Kong and we wanted to take her camping. My dashingly handsome sidekick suggested Onhanapecosh, a camp ground in the Mt. Rainier National Park, a mere two hour drive from our humble town of Prosser.

The pictures say it all. We had a blast.

Thursday, July 8

Today my sister and I drove to my aunt's house in Camas, across the river from Portland, OR. We took the scenic route, stopping for Greek food along the way at a Greek Orthodox monastery where the sisters make the food from scratch. "Best gyros in the United States," quoth one customer as we entered the shop. We began salivating immediately.

He wasn't kidding. The tzatziki was to die for.

I had passed that monastery a thousand times. Thank goodness for my sister who loves travel and adventure whose idea it was to stop there!

We also stopped at Maryhill Museum on the Columbia Gorge. This was the only challenging part of the trip. I had my two younger daughters with me, ages 4 and almost 2. Let's just say, museums aren't the best locations for young children missing their naps. I got a few death stares from old ladies who were distressed by my children's loud, echoing voices (and occasional screaming fits) throughout the old mansion's hallways.

But we did get to see Queen Marie of Romania's furniture and the gown she wore to her cousin's coronation (made with platinum and silver threads! -- I thought that was the stuff of fairytales!) We also saw some beautiful paintings and pottery. Learning about the history of the museum was fascinating. There were chess set collections and a huge display of Native American stuff (sorry, I can't think of a better word at this moment. Think: baskets, tools, papoose carriers, clothing, etc...). Quite the eclectic mix!

The girls and I left my sister with my aunt (boo hoo!) and drove back that night. I was frightened of hitting deer in the pass in the dark, but the only animals I came close to hitting were two coyotes.  All I can say is thank goodness for seatbelts.

Friday, July 9

Woke up bright and early to drive my dashingly handsome sidekick to Yakima for knee surgery. I spent most of my time in the waiting room reading a friend's WiP on my laptop. Yay for laptops and entertaining WiPs! I felt like I had a productive day.

The sidekick got through surgery and is spending his time with his leg (complete with gigantic bandage) up. The doctor said he's absolutely not allowed to help me with housework for at least a year. (Thanks a lot, doc!)

Saturday, July 10

I'm dragging my limping dashingly handsome sidekick on a dinner cruise tonight to celebrate our 11th anniversary. According to the boat's skipper, all he has to do is walk from the car to the boat and then the dhs can sit with his leg up for the entire evening.

Sounds pretty good to us. We're dropping the kids off at grandma's in twenty minutes. 

Better go. Ciao!

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