Friday, 26 February 2010


When my two big kids got out of the minivan to cross the road to school, I called, "Don't forget to wave at me when you cross the street!"

Brandon Heath's Love Never Fails was playing on the radio.

I pulled forward to the cross walk and waved at my kids, but they forgot to look at me or wave back. As they opened the school door and went inside, I got all choked up.

All I could think was: They're forgetting their mother already!

I remembered being a little girl on the school bus in Hong Kong. Sometimes I'd get so wrapped up in the excitement of seeing my friends that I'd forget to wave to my mother. But I always, always realized it when she was out of sight. I remember missing her so intensely and feeling so conscience stricken about forgetting that I'd actually cry on the school bus.

Remembering that just made me homesick, so that as I was driving home I shed tears in the minivan. Feeling so far away from my mommy. Grieving how quickly my babies are growing up.

Thankfully I came home to snuggle time and kisses from my little girls. That helped.

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